Tribute to War Chief Blue's Beauty
I watched you gallop, your mane and tail flowing behind you as stride after stride you flew over the ground. I watched you jump with explosive power, rising up, taking flight like a mythical creature returning to the gods. I watched you graze quietly in the sun, at peace, without fear, the wind and the swishing of your tail the only sounds. I watched you at the end, as the light in your eye faded and it closed for the last time. I felt your spirit depart leaving a hollowness in its wake. I thought your beauty and grace could defeat or at least cheat death and cause it to move on to something less magnificent. But maybe it did, who knows? I can’t blame God for wanting you back. I cannot see your path from here. Perhaps you haven’t gone far and I’ll see you waiting for me, when it’s time for me to follow and we can go together. Goodbye for now dearest friend.