
Showing posts from 2010

Post colic Surgery April 26, 2010

Every horse owners nightmare when your horse needs surgery due to colic. April 26th Beau stopped eating and was lying down in his paddock during turnout. When I arrived at the barn is when I noticed that his breakfast was still in his bucket and while I was cleaning his stall he was out back lying down. This is not right. His breathing was heavy and he never chooses to lie down if the option is to eat something. I called the vet right way and explained that he just started doxycycline, gave up eating and after walking him he finally passed some manure. We all thought it was looking good as he picked at his hay around 5:00 PM. That same night I was headed back to see him around 8:00 PM when I got the call from Rita, that her and Tayna were trying to get a hold of me. "I don't want to see Beau die, you better get here I already called the vet and he was on his way". Paniced stricken we were on on way to the barn. Beau was already wearing Poffie's halte...

First Polo Lesson

Time to blog about polo. Yes, I have taken my first Polo lesson with James Gadea on a 19 yr. old mare name White Sox. She had just finished a game of polo and there I was feeling badly that I had to ride her in a beginner lesson. These horses are well trained, and not as sore as I was going to be for the next 4 days. The Polo Series takes place on the polo grounds of Glen Farm, 715 East Main Road (Route 138) in Portsmouth, RI, six miles north of downtown Newport.. I will have to post some photos of the "beginner" polo lesson. Here is a photo I grabbed from the web site. James is in this photo. For more information visit the Newport Polo Club web site.

Flattery will get you...hmmm everywhere

... Was there ever a time in which you had to ask someone a favor, being so nervous the first thing out of your mouth was "you look really good today"? HA I think we are all guilty of that.. This is a great photo I found at And hey don't forget I take awesome HORSE PHOTOS so hire me to come to your farm and shoot you and your horse, with my Nikon 5000. src="../images/ani_polo_player.gif" alt="Animation of a polo player riding a polo pony to score a goal" width="312" height="19">